Standard Operating Procedures
Several pathologists having already some experience in the field of Quality Management are presently joining their efforts to produce Standard Operating Procedures. These SOPs can be used as templates by European laboratories and can help them when writing down their own documentation for Quality Management. These documents are available below in PDF files.
- Sample processing in the context of mollusc mortality events (1st edition, 2020)
| SampleProcessing_1 |
- Molluscs processing for diagnosis by histology (3rd edition, 2011)
| Histology Process 3 |
- Molluscs processing for diagnosis by cytology (1st edition, 2021)
| Cytology process 1
- Diagnosis by histo-cytopathology of Bonamia spp. in flat oysters Ostrea spp. (5th edition, 2013)
| Bonamia sp. v5
- Diagnosis by histo-cytopathology of Marteilia spp. in the flat oyster Ostrea edulis and the mussels Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis (2nd edition, 2009)
| Marteilia sp. 2
- Diagnosis by histopathology of Perkinsus sp. in molluscs (1st edition, 2009)
| Perkinsus sp. 1
- Diagnosis by histo-cytopathology of Mikrocytos sp. in oysters (2nd edition, 2010)
| Mikrocytos sp. 2
- Diagnosis by histopathology of Haplosporidium sp. in oysters (1st edition, 2009)
| Haplosporidium sp. 1
- Koehler illumination system for the microscope (1st edition, 2009)
| Microscope setting
Molecular biology
- Detection of mollusc pathogens by in situ hybridization (ISH) (1st edition, December 2024)
| InSituHybridization_general_1 |
- Bonamia spp detection by conventional PCR and species characterisation by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) (2nd edition, May 2019)
| Bonamia PCR-RFLP 2
- Bonamia sp.detection and characterization by in situ hybridization (ISH) (2nd edition, December 2024)
| Bonamia_ISH_2
- Bonamia ostreae and Bonamia exitiosa detection by TaqMan Real time PCR (2nd edition, February 2023)
| B.ostreae and B.exitiosa RT PCR
- Marteilia refringens detection and characterisation by conventional PCR- Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) (3rd edition, December 2011)
| Marteilia PCR-RFLP_3
- Marteilia refringens detection and typing by TaqMan Real time PCR (3a edition, March 2023)
| M.refringens type MO RealTime PCR 3a
- Marteilia refringens and Bonamia sp. detection by TaqMan Real Time PCR (1st edition, April 2017)
| Real time PCR Marteilia refringens and Bonamia sp. 1
- Marteilia sp detection and characterization by in situ hybridization (ISH) (5th edition, December 2024)
| Marteilia_ISH_5
- Perkinsus marinus detection by TaqMan Real Time PCR ( 1st edition, December 2024)
| Pmarinus_TaqmanRealtimePCR_1
- Perkinsus marinus detection by in situ hybridization (ISH) (1st edition, August 2021)
| P.marinus_ISH_1
- Mikrocytos mackini detection by conventional PCR (1st edition, April 2021)
| Mmackini_PCR_1
- Mikrocytos mackini detection by TaqMan Real Time PCR (1st edition, April 2021)
| Mmackini_RealTimePCR_1
- Mikrocytos mackini detection by in situ hybridization (ISH) (1st edition, August 2021)
| M.mackini_ISH_1
| OsHV-1 RTPCR_1
- Vibrio aestuarianus detection by TaqMan Real Time PCR (4th edition, March 2021)
| V.aestuarianus detection by Real-time PCR
- Vibrio splendidus and V. aestuarianus detection by TaqMan Real Time PCR (1st edition, October 2013)
| Vibrio splendidus and V. aestuarianus RT PCR
Other techniques
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Quality management and Accreditation
Diagnosis of mollusc diseases by histology or by using molecular biology tools (PCR, HIS) is performed under a quality assurance system since 2003.
The EURL for mollusc diseases is accredited by the Cofrac (Comité français d'accréditation):
- for the diagnosis by histo-cytopathology of Bonamia sp., Marteilia sp., Perkinsus sp. and Mikrocytos sp. in molluscs (bivalves and gastropods) since October 2009 (ISO 17025 standard),
- for the diagnosis of Bonamia ostreae, Bonamia exitiosa and Marteilia reringens by real-time PCR since March 2023 (ISO 17025 standard)
The laboratory is currently working to include real-time PCR assays for the diagnosis of exotic regulated pathogens Mikrocytos mackini and Perkinsus marinus in its scope of accreditation.

Cofrac testing Accreditation n° 1-2160,
Scope available on
IFREMER ASIM- Unité Adaptation et Santé des Invertébrés Marins